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Dread Caller

729 octets ajoutés, 6 janvier 2016 à 23:24
== Composants ==
<table class="composants"><tr>
<th style="width:50px">[[à venirFichier:Dread-Caller-Soul-of-the-Traitorous-Soldier.png|50px]]</th><td>'''<font size="3">à venir Soul of the Traitorous Soldier </font>'''(<font color="Blue">RunePrimary</font>)<br>à venirCalls forth a criminal soul that uses great sword abilities to fight for the caster.</td>
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<th style="width:50px">[[à venirFichier:Dread-Caller-Soul-of-the-Corrupted-Cultist.png|50px]]</th><td>'''<font size="3">Bolt Soul of the Corrupted Cultist </font>'''(<font color="blue">ShapePrimary</font>)<br>à venirCalls forth a criminal soul that uses mind and shadow magic abilities to fight for the caster.</td>
<table class="composants"><tr>
<th style="width:50px">[[à venirFichier:Dread-Caller-Guardian-Revenant.png|50px]]</th><td>'''<font size="3">à venir Guardian Revenant </font>'''(<font color="Blue">ShapeSecondary</font>)<br>à venirA hulking protective figure with high health that may travel only a short distance from the user before starting to fade and taking damage over time.</td>
<table class="composants"><tr>
<th style="width:50px">[[à venirFichier:Dread-Caller-Necropotent-Transposition.png|50px]]</th><td>'''<font size="3">à venir Necropotent Transposition </font>'''(<font color="Blue">Modal</font>)<br>à venirShifts the mind of the caster into the revenant form they have summoned, allowing the user direct control over pet movement and abilities, while their living body remains stationary.</td>
